Associated Student Clubs and Orgs
Club Name | Instagram | Club President | Club VP | Contact |
Asian Pacific American Student Association | Apasa_smc | Tristan Lew | Ainsley Courtney | Presence Link |
Ballet Folklorico Guadalupano (BFG) | smcbfguadalpano | Victoria Diaz | Citali Gallo | Presence Link |
Black Student Union (BSU) | smc.bsu | Kalilah Epperson Lee | Cameron Grace | Presence Link |
DiverseAbilities | smcdiverseabilities | Molly Floberg | Paris Alcaraz | Presence Link |
La Hermandad | lahermandadsmc | LaReina Torres | Alexia Rios | Presence Link |
Muslim Student Association (MSA) | smc_msa | Bashire Jamil | Erica Hardy | Presence Link |
Native American & Indigenous Student Association | smc_naisa | Amaya Simoni-Walters | Blaine Reynolds | Presence Link |
People Rallying for Identity Development Equality (PRIDE) | smc_pride, smcprideclub | Lucia Ruble | Michael Spiegel | Presence Link |
Southern Asian Society (SAS) | sas_smc | Advait Powdwal | Reeya Dharmadhikari | Presence Link |
Club Name | Instagram | Club President | Club VP | Contact |
Anthropology Club | smc_anthroclub | Fiona Pontin | Ainsley Coutrney | Presence Link |
Film Club | filmclub_smc | Kayla Redman | Clarice Reinwald | Presence Link |
Finance Club | smcfinance | David Hinderliter | Sergio Padilla | Presence Link |
Macken Debate Union | smcmackendebateandspeech | Adrian Lossada | Luis Rivera Mora | Presence Link |
Marketing Club | smc_marketingclub | James Brumley | Paula Camacho | Presence Link |
Saint Lukes Pre-Health Society | stlukessmc | Jessalyn Torres | Natalie Alaniz | Presence Link |
Theatre Club | ---------------------- | Carolyn Gersten | Lance Fiss | Presence Link |
Women in Science and Engineering (WISE) | smc.wise | Mariko Wayne | Olivia Owens | Presence Link |
Club Name | Instagram | Club President | Club VP | Contact |
Gaels Boxing Box Club | ----------------- | Martin Garreth | Tatiana Gunawan | Presence Link |
Rock Climbing Club | ----------------- | Matthew Manzi | Jack Rader | Presence Link |
Club Name | Instagram | Club President | Club VP | Contact |
D20 | d20smcofficial | Kylie Mensinger | Xochilt Quetzally Pomposo Alarcon | Presence Link |
Gael Gaming | gaelgaming | Dylan Yoshimitsu | Advait Powdwal | Presence Link |
SMC Sports Band | smcsportsband | Evan Holloway | Adam Haskins | Presence Link |
Club Name | Instagram | Club President | Club VP | Contact |
Intervarsity Christian Fellowship | smc.intervarsity | Caitlin Watt | Katerina Benedikt | Presence Link |
Club Names | Instagram | Club President | Club VP | Contact |
Dante Club | smc_danteclub | Rylee Cagle | Gabriella Thomas | Presence Link |
JPOP Culture Club | jpop_smc | Alexis Hackett | Margot Ong | Presence Link |
KPOP | kpop_club.smc | Niccole Chang | Emily Yu | Presence Link |
Middle Eastern and Northern Africa (MENA) | smcmena2022 | Sharbel Aboubechara | Sara Alhejazin | Presence Link |
Veterans and Military Affiliated Gaels | smc_vrc | Dominic Fleming | Mike Pineda | Presence Link |
Club Name | Instagram | Club President | Club VP | Contact |
Bridge USA | | Isaac Serrano Torres | Rose Velasquez | Presence Link |
Data Science Club | smc_datasci | Renata Krivenko | Sonia Lakshmanan | Presence Link |
English Underground | smc.englishunderground | Lauren Cardinale | Lucy Bikahi | Presence Link |
Foundationalist | | Drew Paxman | Norah Schramm | Presence Link |
Gael Women in Business | gaelwomeninbusiness | Snehal Chopra | Lilly Weyrauch | Presence Link |
Investment Group | smcinvestmentgroup | Tobi Babs-Ajayi | Nicole Chang | Presence Link |
Latinx Association | smclatinxclub | Isaac Serrano Torres | Paula Camacho | Presence Link |
Psychology Club | smcpsychclub | Paige Jackson | Jiya Sull | Presence Link |
Club Name | Instagram | Club President | Club VP | Contact |
Gael Sisterhood | gaelsisterhood | Ella Fuqua | Emma Butler | Presence Link |
Green Gaels | greengaelsclub | Molly Stanley | Mia Schowewngerdt | Presence Link |
Saint Mary's Against Cancer | smcagainstcancer | Isabella Gomez-Vidal | Ella Fuqua | Presence Link |
Club Sports | Instagram | Email | Website |
Club Baseball | smcmensclubbaseball | | Presence Link |
Lacrosse, Men's | smcmenslacrosse | | Presence Link |
Lacrosse, Women's | smcwomenslacrosse | | Presence Link |
Rugby, Men's | gaelrugby | | Presence Link |
Rugby, Women's | smcwomensrugby | | Presence Link |
Soccer, Men's | smcmensclubsoccer | | Presence Link |
Soccer, Women's | smcwomensclubsoccer | | Presence Link |
STUNT | smcstuntteam | | Presence Link |
Tennis, Co-Ed | smcclubtennis | | Presence Link |
Volleyball, Men's | smcmensclubvball | | Presence Link |
Volleyball, Women's | smcwomensclubvball | | Presence Link |
Water Polo, Men's | --------------------- | | Presence Link |
Water Polo, Women's | smcwomenswp | | Presence Link |
Student Media | Instagram | Club President | Club VP | Contact |
The Collegian | smc_collegian | Andrew Martinez Cabrera | Drew Paxman | Presence Link |
KSMC | ksmc895fm | Adanna 'Ada' Ogu | Maddy Hunter | Presence Link |